wind waker walkthrough

Carry Medli east and fly over the smoke. Speak with the deku tree and you'll learn that you need to rescue Makar from the Forbidden Woods. Use the acorn to clear the vines. You may encounter a floor master as well, a scary hand protruding through the floorboards. Slash through the boards blocking the next passageway. Lift the stone head and drop in. It's best used to prevent floor masters from capturing you. When the creatures in the next room grab onto you, use the spin attack (hold B and then release) to kill them. If you're looking for something specific, make sure to read the extended Items section. Next, head up the hill to the broken bridge leading to the forest. If you've sufficiently charted the seas, you'll know where the three Triangle islands are. This is easier than it sounds, just target them with L when their mouths are open and you can't miss. Once the enemies are defeated, you'll get the boss key. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Pull the mirror in the southwestern corner. Return to the auction house to see an argument between the old man and Quill. Shoot a fire arrow at the banner, then use Medli to turn the black chuchus to stone. Seagull Pen (free) Set waypoints on the map with this pen. Keep him L-targeted, and backflip away as he comes at you. When you find a chart, you need to take it to Tingle's Island (accessible with the "Ballad of Gales") to have him decipher it. There are some fairies in the nearby chests--grab them if you have an empty bottle on hand. Buy the bait bag, some all-purpose bait, and one or two hyoi pears. This will give you access to a chest previously guarded by a wall of flame. Eastern Triangle Island is two sectors south of Dragon Roost Island (which is also two sectors north of Forest Haven). Use the boomerang to hit the two flowers blocking the door to the south. Equip the skull hammer and target the skeleton's skull with L. Now you know where the name comes from. Use the boomerang to target its eyes, and when it goes down you'll be rewarded with an expanded magic meter. These will drop boko baba seeds. Glide to this ledge and look for a hole under a stone head. Examine the marking on the stone and pull out The Wind Waker. Needle Rock Island is one sector southwest of Greatfish Isle. Immediately head through the tunnel to the little altar located on a small island. You'll release Tingle from prison. Beat the high score of 20 moves, and you'll get another treasure chart. Tingle Chart Shows Tingle Island and the location of two great fairies. Shoot arrows at Gohdan's eyes. They will give you this chart the first time you meet them. Go through the door. Follow her all the way to Zunari's shop. Note that if you mess up the order and get an item not listed here (and there are many), you can buy the correct object from Zunari and continue. Wait until the water level rises, then jump onto the ledges near the cracked walls. When you come to the broken bridge, just run and jump across the gap, then continue on into the forest. One hit will take down every enemy you encounter. Play the tune as it is marked to learn the Wind’s Requiem.Link will then meet Zephos, the god of winds, and he well tell you that your new song has the ability to control the wind.. After acquiring the new song, there is one optional goody for us to collect. You'll need to do this once more, and then you'll find your sword. Once again return to Mother and Child Isles, and trade the postman's statue for the shop guru statue. Defeat all the enemies within for the chest. Drop all the way down, then have Makar plant trees to activate the powerful wind. Destroy all the nearby ships with the cannon, then enter the island. It's time to live up to your new outfit and act like a hero. Play the "Wind's Requiem" to get a favorable direction, then use the deku leaf to glide to the ledge. Once it's inactive you can jump over to the platform and kill it or just leave it be and act quickly. Continue using the hookshot to ascend. Iron Boots You'll get these boots after successfully maneuvering through Ice Ring Isle. Release control and use the mirror shield to reflect light onto the symbols. Character - Notes Abe - Teaches you to catch pigs Aryll* - None Grandma - None Jabun* - Legendary pictograph Joel - One of the kids on the island Mesa - He asks you to cut his grass early on Orca - Combat trainer Pig - None Rose - Abe's wife Seagull - None Sturgeon - Orca's brother and upstairs neighbor Sue-Belle - Found near Grandma's house Zill - The snot-nosed kid, Character - Notes Anton - Strolling man Candy - Sailor on the docks Cannon - Bomb shop owner Dampa - Pig owner and skull necklace collector Doc Bandum - Chuchu Jelly Shop owner Garrickson - The love-letter sender Gillian - Cafe owner Gossack - Most cowardly man in town Gummy - In the auction house Kamo - Forlorn man on steps Kane - Man near the mailbox Killer Bees - Take a photo of any of the gang for the set Kreeb - On the second floor of the windmill Lenzo - Pictography shop owner Linda - Anton's love interest Maggie - Girl in auction house after rescuing Aryll Maggie's Father - Pestering old man near mailbox Mila - Zunari's assistant after Aryll is rescued Mila's Father - Either near the docs or in the auction house Minenco - Lenzo's lady friend Missy - Gray-haired lady on docks Mrs. Marie - The teacher Pompie and Vera - Gossips--either one will get you the set Sam - Man on the bench near Zunari's shop Tott - Dancing man near Tingle's prison Zunari - Shop owner in town center, Character - Notes Baito - New employee at postal counter Basht and Bisht - Rito guards Chieftain - Rito leader Hoskit - Medli's guard who collects golden feathers Ilari - Rito postman Koboli - Postal counter worker Kogoli - Walks around the village Prince Komali - None Laruto* - Legendary pictograph Medli - None Namali - Clipboard-carrying rito Obli - On the Flight Control Platform Pashli - Another clipboard-carrying rito Skett and Akoot - Chieftain's bodyguards Valoo - Titular dragon Willi - None Zephos and Cyclos - Take a pictograph of Cyclos to get both figurines, Character - Notes Aldo - A korok Carlov - Curator of the Nintendo Gallery Deku Tree - None Drona - Another korok Elma - Another korok Fado* - Legendary pictograph Hollow - Another korok Irch - Yet another korok Linder - Still another korok Makar - The korok you take to Wind Temple Manny - Man you meet near Nintendo Gallery Oakin - Another korok Olivio - Another korok Rown - The last of the koroks, Character - Notes Armos - Small statues Armos Knight - The larger version of the statue Boko Baba - Plant enemies found on Forest Haven and elsewhere Bubbles - Flying skulls, either flaming or smoking Chuchu - Jelly creatures Floor Master - Purple hands in various dungeons Gyorg - Shark creatures in Great Sea Kargorok - Winged creatures Keese - Bats Magtail - Lava-living worms first found in Dragon Roost Miniblin - Small devil-like goblins Morth - Spiky balls Octorok - Small squid-like creature Peahat - Flying ball with yellow petal-like armor Poe - Ghosts that possess you in the Earth Temple Rat - None ReDead - The zombies found in Earth Temple Seahat - The tenacious dive-bombers on the Great Sea, Character - Notes Ankle - One of the two workers at Tingle Island Beedle - Well-traveled shop owner with mop top David Jr. - The other worker at Tingle Island Fairy - None Fairy Queen* - Legendary pictograph Fishman - Can be found in every sector on the sea Gonzo* - Part of Tetra's set Great Fairy* - Legendary pictograph King of Hyrule* - Legendary pictograph King of Red Lions* - Get all figurines except Knuckle Knuckle - On Tingle Island after you finish the Knuckle quest Link* - Get all figurines except Knuckle Loot - At the Boating Course or in the Windfall Cafe Mako* - Part of Tetra's set Niko* - Part of Tetra's set Nudge - Part of Tetra's set Old Man Ho Ho - Found on various islands looking through his telescope Princess Zelda* - Legendary pictograph Senza* - Part of Tetra's set Salvage Corporation - The diving-suit-wearing explorers who travel the sea Salvatore - Squid-battle minigame operator Tingle - Take a picto when you visit his island Wandering Merchant - Found on various islands Zuko* - Part of Tetra's set. Once you have the picto box, go see Lenzo (his pictography shop is in the center of town). Use the updrafts and the deku leaf to make your way from ledge to ledge in this area. Don't worry if you miss it the first time, you'll be back to the fortress later. From this branch, float down to the area with the grass shaped like an arrow. Use the grappling hook to find it.Use treasure chart 2 to find another piece of heart in this sector. Command Medli to fly to either of the pedestals in the north of the sun mask room. The boomerang will become one of your most useful items, as it can stun most enemies. Finally, drop off the cliff at the beginning of the broken suspension bridge and land on the ledge below. Push the mirror in the southeast corner into the light ray. Treasure Chart 14 Chart location: Headstone Island Treasure location: Tower of the Gods Reward: 200 rupees Notes: The chart is located in a submarine. You'll fall to the lower level, where you can grab a joy pendant from a nearby chest. Note that the bomb won't detonate; instead, you'll need to hit the B button on your GBA then stand on the Tingle symbol. You'll find a treasure chart in a chest. There are a few more tasks to complete here, but they will have to wait until you've rescued Aryll from the Forsaken Fortress. Go through the door and run up the stairs. (If you do accidentally get the water, leave Forest Haven and wait 20 minutes for the magic to run out. Pirate's Charm Given to you by Tetra after leaving Outset Island. Legend of Zelda Wind Waker Walkthrough. Notice the cracked walls near the top of the room. Play the "Wind God's Aria", then unlock the door with the boss key. Go to Greatfish Isle and trade the sickle moon flag for a fountain idol. Watch its position, and try to be near the tail when it falls. If you want, you're done on Windfall Island, and you can continue on to Dragon Roost. You'll be caught in a whirlpool, and you'll need to use bombs to destroy the huge stone door. Basically, it allows your GBA to be used to do various things. Make your way through the stream to the great deku tree. Then use the deku leaf to glide down, pick up Medli, and proceed through the door. In the next room, make your way to the top of the central mound and use the boomerang to hit all five crystals that encircle it. Note that you can place all-purpose bait in front of a rat hole, and they will offer to trade you something. Before leaving, find the merchant on the raft nearby. Do a few of the Outset Island side quests (covered at the end of this section), if you'd like, and then head into the forest, high on the mountain above the village. Grab Makar and walk south. Once Gohma's armor is gone, aim the grappling hook at his eye and fire it (you can use the L button to target his eye so you don't have to manually aim). Once you're past that ledge, you'll see a mailbox. Tilt the camera to its highest position so you can see the spider's reflection in the water. Avoid his attacks by backflipping away from him as he approaches. Use yourself as bait. Outside, you'll need to grab a barrel and sneak past another guard. Board the boat, sail over to the entrance, and climb in. Treasure Chart 1 Chart location: Forbidden Woods Treasure location: Crescent Moon Island Reward: 200 rupees Notes: In a dungeon chest. Star Island (one) Defeat all of the enemies in the cave. Climb up the last ladder. Grab the acorn and jump on the gondola. Use the deku leaf to extinguish the smoky skulls, and use the parry attack on the darknut. Hit the nearby switch with the skull hammer, then push the mirror forward to catch the light. Inside you'll find: The walk-through section won't cover everything you can do in the game--just the major places and the items and upgrades you'll need to finish. Use ice arrows to get rid of them, then pick up Medli and cross to the halfway point of the bridge. Throw the sword up to the ledge, and then climb up and break the boards to access the chest, which contains a key. You need to press the D-pad in the direction you want to be shot as you leave the bud. Make your way up, and notice the lone platform floating at the top of the room. Use it to hit the crystals above the door, and return two rooms to the south. ----- Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Strategy Guide by Alasdair Lo System: Nintendo Gamecube Date: 4 August, 2003 Version 1.1 ----- Contents 1. Note that I will not put in Tingle sidequests (due to my lack of a GBA)or the Nintendo Gallery (not really important). Now that you have all the shards, it's time for the final confrontation. Defeat both and you'll get the boss key. These light stairs appear after you kill all the chuchus. You have a moment to stop once a searchlight (or a guard) sees you, but don't move again until you're in the clear. You'll need to pick the bomb flowers and throw them at the rocks to clear the way. Go north, and have Medli fly up to the ledge on the eastern side of the room. It takes some practice, but once you get it, moving from bud to bud will be no problem. You'll have to come back later. Treasure Chart 6 Chart location: Tower of the Gods Treasure location: Six-Eye Reef Reward: 200 rupees Notes: In a dungeon chest. This will lead to a large room with three coffins. He'll want a pictograph of his favorite thing, which is "pale" and "round." When you hit his eye, he'll collapse, giving you some time to attack his head with your sword. Treasure Chart 39 Chart location: Dragon Roost Cavern Treasure location: Dragon Roost Island Reward: 200 rupees Notes: In a dungeon chest. Use the skull hammer to smack down these barriers. Swing the sword at the barrier, then follow the path over to Ganon's tower, using the hookshot when needed. Head west and drop to the floor. Give it to her to receive a piece of heart. Open the chest beyond to get a key. If you're trying to complete the Nintendo Gallery (see that section for details), visit Lenzo at night. Fight the bokoblins, and when they're gone, a chest containing the bottle will appear. The Tingle tuner has many uses. The first upgrade will allow you to carry 60 bombs, the second will upgrade your capacity to 99 bombs. You may need to take out the skulls first. The southern passage leads to a chest with some rupees. Sail to a rock near the island, and climb onto it. For that, you get some rupees. For your effort you will learn the "Command Melody" (D-pad right, C-stick: left, center, right, center). Lead it around the walkway until you are near the entry door. The bright light should be shining through the fence; stand in it while you fight to gain a bit of an advantage against the various foes here. Play the "Wind's Requiem" on the floor symbol, then kill the armos knights by tossing bombs into their open mouths. He'll mark your sea chart and challenge you to a game, which requires you to shoot arrows at him. Be quick, because they'll fall away as you ascend. Kill the bokoblins on the opposite side, then use the hookshot to reach the upper platform. Either works. In the game, Link must sail around Hyrule to gain the power to defeat the evil sorcerer Ganon. When you're about in … Before continuing to the boss, you may want to go back for the last treasure chart. You may also want to finish exploring Outset Island for some rupees. When you've completed it, the large statue will move, revealing a stairway. Step on the switch to start the windmill. The quickest way to defeat him is to ignore all the other worms, and just manually hookshot his tongue when it appears. To use it, activate it with the XYZ button, then conduct with the C Stick. You'll find a joy pendant and the dungeon map after they're opened. Use the bud to shoot yourself up to the next level. WIND WAKER: King gives it to you when you land at Dragon Roost Island. Fight your way through the next room, then attack the huge moth in the subsequent room. Plant a seed in the dirt patches to access a chest with rupees. Looking at the dungeon map, note that there are two routes through the second floor. Treasure Chart 29 Chart location: Windfall Island Treasure location: Mother and Child Isles Reward: 200 rupees Notes: This chest is located on the second floor of Lenzo's shop. Ganondorf can do significant damage, but it's easy to avoid. Quill will appear and tell you an interesting story. Cross the long bridge until you reach the boulder. Legendary Pages There are five of these pages scattered throughout the Tower of the Gods (see the walk-through for details). Play the Song of Passing so that it is night. Circle around and use the boomerang to sever the tendrils. Get the key from the chest and open the locked door. Release command of Medli and drop yourself down. Now return to the door and use the bomb flower to clear the vines. Luckily, one important night owl is around. Fight the wizzrobe and all of his summoned friends. Next, head to Ice Ring Isle, one sector west of Forest Haven. Keep fighting and dropping down, fighting and dropping down. Return to Bomb Island, and trade the big sale flag for a hero's flag. You'll be transported to the bell tower. If you hit its head, it will stop, briefly, giving you a momentary window to shoot the tail with a light arrow. First, grab a stick and light it. ----- Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Strategy Guide by Alasdair Lo System: Nintendo Gamecube Date: 4 August, 2003 Version 1.1 ----- Contents 1.

Pigeon Mating Call, Dog Aggressive During Period, Same Day Sourdough Pizza Crust, Tuscany Club Membership, South Beach Tow Dvd,

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