navy eval education bullets

NAVY EVAL BULLETS. -WELL ROUNDED- CE3 has completed multiple In-rate, construction and security training courses to bring command readiness up to speed. Start a free trial now to save yourself time and money! ENLISTED EVALUATION WRITING THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. -Structured Manager. Conducted Command Indoctrination for 96 Sailors. STANDOUT MENTOR. – MODEL INSTRUCTOR. 4. Served as the Air ASW Project Lead for the TYCOM. FAST TRACK TO CPO NOW***. Personally instructed 24 classroom lectures, 29 academic exams, and 70 instructional flight hours, including 30 NATOP’s checks and five CRM classes for 45 FRS Aircrewmen. These must be strong, should rank the Sailor’s performance, and describe character. - Outstanding supervisor. Eval Bullets (Comm. Facilitated 2 Command Mentorship Courses which produced 3 Command Mentors. Areas to be discussed • FY20 Navy Counselors selected for Chief • Areas considered for the Selection Board • FY 20 CPO Precerts and Convening Order (this speaks to the best/fully qualified selection standard) • Navy Counselor LaDR • Opening State Petty Officer McKinney brings a motivating, self-starter attitude with a dedication to her duties and peers that makes her a highly valued member of the command. Flawlessly managed the work center's Tool Control Program, resulting in zero discrepancies during the semi-annual Quality Assurance audit. **Rated MP, earned EP, unfortunate side effect of forced distribution, CPO ready**. To help build this site just leave a comment below with your bullets (minus the names and commands) and we will add your contributions to our eval bullet library. Implemented proper hygiene and social distancing guidelines in the galley his efforts raised awareness and helped mitigate the spread of COVID-19. (Passed but Not Advanced). I am researching and collecting information on how to write the best evaluation possible. 4. When new bullets are submitted I try … Maintained Hazardous Material program, resulting in zero discrepancies on the semi-annual Quality Assurance audit. As Student Control Petty Officer, responsible for the daily planning of syllabus events for 117 Fleet Replacement Aircrewmen. Competence FITREP/Eval Bullets; Management FITREP/Eval Bullets; Personal Traits FITREP/Eval Bullets; ... duty driver and civilian professional development education. As the Safe Ride Coordinator, he maintained, promoted, and tracked over 2,200 Sailor safe ride cards, ensuring they were always equipped with a safe means of transportation. Additionally, directed 22 Sailors in 55 PPME and Navy COOL certificates. **HAS MY STRONGEST RECOMMENDATION FOR IMMEDIATE SELECTION TO CPO. Led 22 Sailors supporting 90 students and families at the Clay County Science Fair and command Holiday Breakfast. A great exercise is to print the previous five evaluations and highlight all of the bullets or sentences that stand out. Navy Eval Bullets. contributed to the overall success of three detachments. – TEAM PLAYER. Cruise Missile trainer at Afloat Training Group San Diego. Navy Achievement Medal; Navy Commendation Medal; Navy Advancement Results. OPENING STATEMENTS. NAVY EVAL BULLETS. Personally instructed 24 classroom He flew 178.9 flight hours and instructed 12 classroom events for 25 Fleet Replacement Aircrewmen assisting in the on—time graduation of 12 Fleet Replacement Aircrewmen. - Involved in community. › navy eval bullets education › navy evaluation writing training › navy evaluation training › navy training po eval. If FY20 URL O-4 Promotion message does not receive Senate confirmation by 31 Oct 19, please follow the following guidance: Member possesses the potential to be a successful First Class Petty Officer with continued focus on communication and leadership skills. – SAILOR DRIVEN. – DEVELOPS LEADERS. Led 25 Sailors raising $314,500 during the Children Hospital of the King's Daughters Radio-thon. - Volunteered off duty time for 40 hours of combined community service. **HAS MY STRONGEST RECOMMENDATION FOR ADVANCEMENT TO CHIEF PETTY OFFICER**. The Navy updated its Navy Performance Evaluation System instruction - BUPERS Instruction 1610.10E to reflect these changes. spearheaded 44 Squadron Production and Alignment meetings, streamlining 5 departments. ‘**Petty Officer Doe has my strongest recommendation for promotion to First Class! Coordinated 47 reenlistments and facilitated 311 Career Development Boards for HSL—XX and HSL—XX. THE EVAL So I made IT2 last cycle and have never written my own eval before. – RESPECTED LEADER. MWR Treasure, coordinated the CMD picnic and 4 fundraisers of $35k. Develops Leaders. As the command's only high-power turn operator for six consecutive months, he was the driving force behind the Maintenance Department's overall production effort making possible the completion of XXX combat missions, X,XXX flight hours and a XX percent sortie completion rate during operation IRAQI FREEDOM. ***GUARANTEED TO SUCCEED AS AN LCPO AT SEA. In addition, as a CAT member, assisted in 2 Command Equal Opportunity Assessments. The Navy Eval Bullets link will take you to some actual examples. Home; Navy Evals by Job Title; ESO Citations; Educational Services Officer (ESO) As Command ESO, she ordered and proctored 142 advancement exams with zero discrepancies. – Completed American Government I in pursuit of his Bachelor’s Degree at Central TexasCollege. FY-19 ACTIVE DUTY CHIEF RESULTS LIST; FY-19 ACTIVE DUTY NAVY SENIOR CHIEF (E-8) SELECTION BOARD RESULTS; MARCH … To help build this site just leave a comment below with your bullets (minus the names and commands) and we will add your contributions to our eval bullet library. – SUPERIOR MASTER TRAINING SPECIALIST (MTS). & authority in google. ***READY FOR POSITIONS OF GREATER RESPONSIBILITY. – As Assistant Squadron Duty Officer, his duties included answering phones, logbook entries and relaying information to the Squadron Duty Officer. The bullet has a trait (leadership), an action (organizing the overhaul), and the result (finishing early and extra sea time). Additionally, he provided in-rate training for two Sailors resulting in their advancement. As Divisional and Assistant Departmental Career Counselor she provided career guidance to 21 junior Sailors resulting in 5 re-enlistments, over 40 career development boards and PEARL HARBOR receiving the retention excellence award for FY15. Always willing to tackle the most demanding tasks completing them will in advance with utmost attention to detail. -COMMAND ADVOCATE. If you notice there are very few sentences highlighted, this is what the board member will see and brief; very little. ***STRONGEST POSSIBLE RECOMMENDATION FOR ADVANCEMENT TO CHIEF PETTY 0FFICER***, ***RANKS 3 OF 45 EXTREMELY TALENTED FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICERS***. Steps to fixing your record and communicating with the selection board. There are lots of good (and not-so-good) examples of Officer and Enlisted bullets. NAVY EVAL BULLET STATEMENTS-Squadron Safety Manager. *** Already performing at P01 level! – Through his knowledge and energy, Petty Officer XX has already proven to be a valuable asset to the command. -Outstanding mentor. He coordinated the inventory and staging of 1,145 line items and 67,000 lbs of sensitive hardware and UAS related equipment valued at $8.2M with 100% accountability. Appointed by the CMC. – SUPERB INSTRUCTOR. Hand-picked as the Command Naval Aircrew Warfare Specialist (NAWS) Program Coordinator in which he coordinated 900 training hours and six evaluation boards resulting in six Naval Aircrewmen to qualify as the first NAWS Specialists. – PHENOMENAL LEADER. Coordinator, oversaw the planning, scheduling and execution of 24 training and PT sessions, 2 COMREL, 3 teambuilding and 1 acceptance/pinning evolution for 155 CPO’s and 30 CPO Selectees. – TECHNICAL EXPERT. Write so it is understandable now and in the future. FY-19 ACTIVE DUTY NAVY SENIOR CHIEF (E-8) SELECTION BOARD RESULTS, MARCH 2018 (CYCLE 239) ADVANCEMENT EXAM RESULTS LIST, SEPTEMBER 2017 (CYCLE 236) ADVANCEMENT EXAM RESULTS LIST, FY-18 ACTIVE-DUTY NAVY SENIOR CHIEF (E-8) SELECTION BOARD RESULTS, MARCH 2017 (CYCLE 235) ADVANCEMENT EXAM RESULTS LIST, SEPTEMBER 2016 (CYCLE 232) ADVANCEMENT EXAM RESULTS LIST, FY-17 Active Duty Chief Advancement Results List, FY-17 ACTIVE-DUTY NAVY E-8 SELECTION BOARD RESULTS, MARCH 2016 (CYCLE 231) ADVANCEMENT EXAM RESULTS LIST, SEPTEMBER 2015 (CYCLE 228) ADVANCEMENT EXAM RESULTS LIST, FY-16 Active Duty Chief Advancement Results List, FY-16 Full-Time Support/Reserve Chief Advancement Results List, FY-16 ACTIVE-DUTY NAVY E8 SELECTION BOARD RESULTS, 7 Secrets Of Navy Advancement; An Exam Study Strategy, Navy Evals and Brag Sheets; An Idiots Guide. He demonstrated seasoned leadership, providing guidance to junior sailors in his division culminating with his shop producing two Sailors of the Quarter, three Sailors receiving Navy and Marine CORPS Achievement Medals, and five advancements to the next higher pay grade. Hand selected as an AWR Rating SME to update 8,975 duties, tasks and assignments. Selected to attend the AWR AEDC. PFA’s for 450 Sailors with an astounding 94.9 percent pass rate. Raised $35,000 as MWR Vice President and coordinated the command summer picnic for 410 Sailors. While assigned as a Crew Served Weapons (CSW) Instructor, safely introduced and evaluated 12 CAT I/CAT 11 student completion of GAU-21 and M—240 qualifications. Navy Eval Bullet For College Education, endocrine system hormone case study analysis answers, patient flow cover letter, forensic psychology term paper. Resulted in the on time graduation of 197 Fleet Replacement Squadron pilots and aircrewmen. All of the bullets below were actual, command approved bullets. Managed and developed 7 Instructors, 67 students and 1 civilian in execution of the FRS training schedule. – SUPERB DECKPLATE LEADER. Navy Personnel Command – The Official guidance on writing, and submitting your Evaluation and FITREP; – Contains Guidance on ; – The original Navy Evaluation and FITREP website. complete chart for all paygrades) 10. – SUPERIOR MANAGER. Use His efforts resulted in the on time graduation of 12 Fleet Replacement Aircrew and the qualification of 17 MH—60R instructors. Instructed 506 hours with a 93% event completion rate contributing to the graduation of 20 FRPS/FRACS.

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