how do galaxies appear to move based on this graph?

Graph redshift on the x-axis and distance on the y-axis. "This phenomenon was observed as a redshift … ... Why do virtually all the galaxies in the universe appear to be moving away from our own? Their home galaxy (c) appears to be at rest. In the Redshifts section, you found redshifts for the same galaxies. Stars, of course, do move. But astronomers have been studying their position for thousands of years. These galaxies appear blue because they are undergoing active star formation and making hot, bright blue stars. Rank the paths based on how much time the photon takes to complete each journey, from longest to shortest. Nearby examples of (dwarf) irregular galaxies include the Magellanic Clouds. ... a graph showing how orbital velocity depends on … They should also appear in the middle graph. According to Albert Einstein, the speed of light is an absolute constant beyond which nothing can move faster. These galaxies seem to share as many properties with elliptical galaxies as they do with spiral galaxies. His observations, revealed in 1929, showed that nearly all galaxies he observed are moving away, NASA said. It’s just that the distances are so great that it’s very difficult to tell. At the other extreme, the central bulge is small and the arms are loosely wound. *Click on the center graph to create a vertical line you can move … And then I'll say something like, " galaxies are moving away from us faster than the speed of light." Hubble's velocity-distance relationship, published in 1929, suggests that once we look beyond the gravitational effects of close galaxies within the local group, galaxies are moving away from one another. Now, use a graphing program to make a Hubble diagram of these galaxies. Galaxies at this extreme may have no clear spiral arm structure, resulting in a lens-like appearance (they are sometimes referred to as lenticular galaxies). To the astronomers on galaxy (c), galaxy (a) is moving away at 1,540 kilometers/second and galaxy (b) is moving away at 770 kilometers/second. Now jump to galaxy (c). Not only are they moving away but the more distant galaxies appear to be moving away faster than closer ones. Exercise 19: In the Distances section, you found relative distances to several galaxies, in three clusters, at one point in the sky. An ultra diffuse galaxy (UDG) is an extremely-low-density galaxy. EMR. *Read this section *Click back on Virtual Spectroscope and choose hydrogen from the pull down menue. The more distant galaxies (many of them quite blue) appear as they did more than 12 billion years ago, not long after the Big Bang. (credit: NASA, ESA, STScI) Irr-II galaxies do not possess any structure that resembles a Hubble classification, and may have been disrupted. Step 3: “Fingerprinting” an Element. The galaxy (a) astronomers see the other galaxies moving away from them and their home galaxy appears to be at rest. About in the middle of the diagram, there are a bunch of galaxies that appear to be at about the same distance but are spread out a lot in the velocity direction.This feature suggests the presence of a large cluster of galaxies, like the Virgo cluster.In addition to their "Hubble velocities", these galaxies have an extra velocity caused by their orbital motion around the center of the cluster. There's more than a few items on this list, and it's confusing at best. Blue galaxies were much more common in that earlier time than they are today.

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