All Pet House wax cubes are made with 100% natural soy wax and never contain paraffin, dyes, parabens, phthalates, formaldehyde and other toxic ingredients. Environmental Protection Agency showed that soot emissions from candles containing fragrances are significantly higher than those from non-scented candles. The soot can also cause respiratory problems and will aggravate the conditions of those who already have asthma, lung, or heart problems. The answer to this question is unfortunately not a simple as a straight yes or no. I know candle wax is non toxic, but will it hurt my cat? Opt for unscented candles, unless pure essential oils have been used (even then, use these fragrances with caution around cats). Worse, the dyes and scents added to paraffin wax candles are chemicals manufactured in a laboratory—which only adds to the toxic load. Decorative candles are cute, but the exposed flame poses a risk for catching something else on fire by accident. Scented candles, whether they're made from paraffin wax, soy, or beeswax, should be perfectly fine to use in your home, as long as you practice basic fire safety. Cats and Fragrances As a general rule, cats are more sensitive to fragrances than most other animals. Fragrance oils soften the wax, so the manufacturers use lead to make the wicks firmer. Lead Core Wicks – These were banned back in 2003 but still worth mentioning. Turns out that the wax and the wicks may be toxic. I found a list of things that are harmful to dogs. Paraffin wax is actually added into thousands of cosmetic and medical products, however, if your dog has consumed the candle then this would be toxic. Soy wax is a renewable resource. My cat accidentally got candle wax all over her front paw. Most candles are made of paraffin wax, which creates highly toxic benzene and toluene when burned (both are known carcinogens). This is because knowing what the candles are made of is also important. Scented candles made of paraffin – a petroleum byproduct – release carcinogenic soot when burned. You should use the best cat shampoo to remove all the wax and oil. Candles can be made of wax, paraffin, beeswax or soy. When ingested, they tend to soften and pass through the dog's intestinal tract without issue. Bathe your cat with clean water to remove all the oil and wax from his fur. Soy-based candles are softer and pose less of a risk. Toxic to dogs. Your cat's sense of smell is indeed exceptional. (The EPA has actually found that scented candles are a major source of candle soot.) Inhaling of scented candles can cause your pet to sneeze or cough, Dr. CANDLE OVERVIEW >>> 100% soy oil wax>>> 100% natural cotton wick with soy wax covering >>> Non-toxic, cruelty free colorants>>> You may have to clean them up, but you shouldn't have to smell it! Now of course my mom is still using paraffin wax in her wax warmer, but I'm trying my best to convert her as well. These can be left unattended so you can benefit from the different scents and aromas a lit candle brings without the risk of fire. Hi! Is Lavender Safe for Dogs? Are Yankee candles toxic to dogs? Electric Wax Warmer – Unattended lit candles can be dangerous. Soy candles produce less soot and toxic chemicals than candles made from paraffin. None of these materials tend to be poisonous to dogs. The biggest issue with candles is toxic wax and the fragrance used in their formulation. My mon left a wax melt on and my cat knocked it over and got wax on his coat. A candle with a lead-core wick releases five times the amount of lead considered hazardous for children and exceeds EPA pollution standards for outdoor air, says the CPSC. Soy wax candles burn slower and not as hot as paraffin wax candles . Other pets that have underlying respiratory issues, could have a flare up of their symptoms if candles are used in the home. Me, the person who won't allow her dogs to eat any old dog treat, has NEVER looked at what my candles were made of. Under normal circumstances, when a fragranced … I wouldn't want my dogs to lick/eat any of them, but certainly have certainly never given any thought to the scent harming them. There are also soy wax candles which are made from the oil of soybeans, so it is a vegetable wax. Cats have stronger senses than humans and their nose is way more sensitive than ours, so it's definitely possible that scents you might find calming and wonderful, can be extremely strong and overwhelming for your cat. Beeswax candles are typically an off-white, yellow, or light brown color, but you can also find colored candles made with non-toxic dyes. What the hell!!!! 1 Soy candles, in the same research, were not found to emit toxic chemicals. Common Dog Poisoning Items. Paraffin Wax – A study released by South Carolina State University reports that paraffin & petroleum-based candles release undesirable alkanes. If you have a domestic pet cat and you want to use essential oils, there are several things to keep in … The linalool is found in such small concentrations, however, that this is rarely an issue. So Pet House wax melts are COMPLETELY NON-TOXIC. However, large pieces my cause an intestinal blockage. Care should also be taken with pets – dogs and cats may find some of the ingredients in scented candles toxic and should be taken to the vet if they display symptoms after accidentally eating your candle collection. Additionally, is Yankee Candle safe for dogs? This fun dog or cat themed candle is the perfect gift for all the Fur Moms out there! They burn cleanly and safely without risk. Actually, soy wax candles burn up to 30 to 50 percent longer. I'm not so worried about it annoying her as much as I am it making her sick. Essential oils are toxic to cats especially if they are not diluted; you should wash any area with Dawn dish soap and rinse thoroughly. Though they are all non-toxic to dogs, they can be tough for the dog’s digestive system to break down. The good news is, there are many natural, alternative scented candles that aren’t harmful or toxic. And when's the last time you looked to see what your candles were made of? What Makes A Candle Toxic. Wax Melts Are Flame-Free. Not only do they have stronger scents, but they have a longer burn time and therefore last longer. Once upon a time, many scented candles on the market contained lead-core wicks. Aspirin, other Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory products (ibuprofen, etc) Acetaminophen . Organic wax candles are a great alternative to the commercial paraffin candles and are safe for you and your cat. Are Scented Candles and Wax Melts Toxic to Cats and Dogs? An electric wax warmer is a safe alternative to a burning candle. They’ll be more expensive than regular paraffin candles, but it’s worth it. Most often, the candles with lead wicks are scented candles. With that said, if you can find a manufacturer that uses non-toxic (**pure essential oils or vegetable based) fragrance oils, and non-gmo (ie; organic) soy wax or beeswax, you'll be golden. If you are of an age that you might have candles that old, I am, it’s time to replace them. Completely Non-Toxic & Safe: Made with 100% natural soy wax. Candle Safety for Your Cat. Keep a close eye on Oreo for any symptoms and visit your Veterinarian if any present, apart from washing off any residue and visiting your Veterinarian there is little to be done at home. The vet near me can't get me in till tomorrow but I was wondering if the wax melts are toxic because he's trying to lick i … read more Here recently I've been trying to convert from things that could be toxic to cats like your standard Febreeze air freshener, to safer things like using natural wax melts in a wax warmer. Look out for aromatherapy candles made of paraffin—a petroleum byproduct—which releases carcinogenic soot when burned. In fact, the toxins released from paraffin candles are the same as those found in diesel fuel fumes. Generally speaking cats are sensitive to things like essential oils, citrus based products, and phenolics. Anti-cancer drugs. Scented Candles. Even though the smoke is cleaner, it’s a good … Algae — Found in water, damp porches, basements. Some cats and dogs may be sensitive to the smells and smoke given off by scented candles. Anti-freeze, Coolant. Yankie uses refined paraffin wax which is considered non-toxic when burning and does not emit enough bad fumes for concern. Home; Junk Removal; are wax melts toxic; 01 Jan. are wax melts toxic. They can even trigger an asthma attack in cats … Wax candles are typically made from paraffin, beeswax, or soy. The National Fire Protection Association estimated that from 2009–2013, fires related to candles caused an estimated $374 million in direct property damage. By : Categories: junk-removal An electric wax warmer is a safe alternative to a burning candle. The best candles to buy that have little, to no effect on us and the dogs, should be beeswax, coconut wax, natural soy or vegetable-based wax. Scented candles, while not directly toxic to our pets, still have the potential to cause problems. A cat metabolizes some chemical substances differently and is more susceptible to the effects of some fragrance materials. In 2009, a study by South Carolina State University found that burning paraffin wax candles give off harmful fumes (toluene and benzene) which is linked to asthma and lung cancer. If your dog starts showing signs of sensitivity, then blow out the candles and take them to another room. So my street cred is that I used to pour soy wax candles . Sung said. Paraffin candles are the most common, and they are generally harmless as an ingredient that raises melting point. Lavender, the plant, does contain a small amount of a compound called linalool, which is toxic to both dogs and cats. In addition to releasing toxic chemicals, burning paraffin wax produces soot with particles that can remain suspended in the air for hours. We have a wax tart burning most evenings, we use either the Yankee or Glade ones. Most of the world’s soy beans are primarily grown in Illinois, Iowa, and Indiana. Beeswax candles also burn longer than paraffin wax candles and they don’t drip. The biggest issue with candles are toxic wax and, in the case of older candles, toxic wicks. Welcome!! If you want colored candles, check that non-toxic … #1. Wax is one of them. When shopping for beeswax candles, be sure to look for 100% beeswax. I LOVE MY SCENTED CANDLES!!! Candle safety for your cat is more than just keeping him away from burning candles. I can't get it out no matter what I try. That’s scientist speak for they release … Soy, beeswax and coconut wax candles do not burn with toxins and are environmentally friendly as well.
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